Wednesday, April 17, 2013

For Boston. . .

There really aren't words to describe how horrible this week's events in Boston were.
I, along with my co-workers, were in complete shock as the news came in and the story unfolded.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the City of Boston.

I have wanted to write a post about Old Try for quite some time now.
Their beautiful, handmade "Manners" post hangs over my bar and is quite the conversation piece.
{Apparently the mayor of Hoboken commented on it when she saw it in the framing shop} 

But today seems like the right day to tell you all about them because they have created a striking new print celebrating New England.  
And they are donating all of the profits to help the families and people who were affected this week.

"Patriots Day"

Based on the first flag of New England.
And today, I think we are all a little bit New England.

They say it better on their website, so please click here

Until tomorrow . . .
Remember to hug the ones you love

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

And. . . . I'm back

After another long hiatus, I'm getting back to blogging.
Getting posts lined up for the rest of the week.

Until tomorrow . . .